Last date for Income Tax return filling for Individuals and HUF is 31st July 2010 and for other corporate and non corporate assessee is 30th September 2010.
For Individuals Filing return online is Mandatory. For Firms, AOP, Companies, subject to tax audit are required to file return online through online portal.
For filing online return you need to choose appropriate form called ITR. This e-filed copy need not be saved in physical copy. All what is required is you have to send a hard copy to Bangaluru.
Check out your TDS certificates before May'10.
In case if you have been deducted TDS more than the tax liability you need to pay , you can calim refund.
If you are other than individual, and havenot obtained TDS certificates before filing and you are sure that you will get the certifiacte after due date of filling Income Tax but before two years, then you can still claim the amount.
Nice beginning.. keep it up..
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